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MacMusicGuy.com is a place where you can preview and purchase music created by Tom Rule, who is aka the MacMusicGuy.

There are MP3s, Charts, Sheet Music, and even complete albums available on this site.

ALL the financial transactions are handled by Paypal – Tom would rather prefer to let the Network/online security gurus over at Paypal to handle the security stuff, since he needs to go write some more music [or perhaps perform it!]

You can keep up with what Tom is up to  – and get some FREE STUFF – by signing up to join the Tom Tribe HERE. [Comes with a No-Spam promise!]

You can also catch Tom performing live at times over at StreetJelly.com


If you didn’t intend to get to this page, then you were probably following an old link. MacMusicGuy.com was rebuilt from the foundation beginning in January of 2013 – and since there were a few hundred old links out there [between twitter, blogs, youtube, facebook, etc] it was easier just to redirect here than to try and change everything.

So my apologies for the aggravation – but if what you are looking for hasn’t been posted yet, CONTACT ME and I’ll move it up to the top of the “git ‘er done” list.

Tom Rule